Academics and Corona
Dr. Suwarna Shidore Faculty – IndSearch 23rd April 2020 It’s the beginning of April, 2020. Almost a month before, in March 2020, the arrival of the Novel Coronavirus in India disrupted the normal lifestyle of all the people in the country regardless of their power and position. Only essential services are exception to this case as per the Government Order in this horrible situation in India. Isolation is the ONLY solution to fight against this global enemy in the form of a virus. Traditionally the months of March and April are very crucial in MBA teaching institutions as teachers are trying to complete syllabus and students are getting ready for submissions and preparing for Mid term and Final examinations. But 2020 picture is exceptional and unique due to the pandemic…There is a fear…there is an uncertainty….everyone is worried and trying to maintain social distancing….people are opting to work from home, schoo...